Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Some back story for the books

This page from a diary is on display in a glass case in the main entry hall at the Greenbriar school:

 Set by mine hande thys 23 Dae of April of 1590 —
        Upon ye storms and fflooding of thys spring time, all inhabitants of ye RoanOak colonie hae decided tae disperse tae other partes as ye storms frae ye ocean be overlye great beyand anie before experienced.  Some men following Kendall will join ye native population of Croatoans about 50 leagues southwest upon ye Croatoan Island, while others under R. Lane, not being welcomed by ye Croatoans, be travailing up ye RoanOak river tae  it’s headwater.  Ye remaining of us whiche  be of magical bearing shall take ye barque Pricilla and other four smaller boats and wyth them ye two pinnaces we hae builded at RoanOak for communicating wyth ye shore.  We will seek out a harbour wherein ye Pricilla, being ye largest, maye anchor and be safe frae storms.
        In as much as ye lands of Wococon island, RoanOak  island and Hataraske by letters- pattent, bearing date 25 of March in yeare 1584, licensed Sir Walter Raleigh by ye Englyshe  queene, Elizabeth, hae been placed under obedience & goverment of ye common wealth of England all soil with-in 200 leagues of these places (and also being infested of non-magical  peoples) all men and women of magical bearing hae decided tae take ouir seaven boates and sail north and west up ye Chesapeak Bay and beyonde tae a distance of 400 leagues.  In hope of stopping ye influx of non-magicals we will, upon finding a goodlie endowed place, set a Scots flag and claim all lands for a distance of 200 leagues in anie direction, for James, ye Sixth, Kinge of Scotland, therewyth forming a border whiche  maye stop us frae bother by ye non-magicals for a time.
            As part of her letters-pattent, ye Englyshe queene hae forbid ye  building of anie castle or fforte wyth-out her expres consent, and thus it be decided that contrarie-wise tae build upon thys newe land a castle of size and strengthe tae repell anie & all efforts tae dislodge us.  We shall in tradition of ye greate schooles builded in Scotland, such as ye schoole builded yea these five years back in Edinborough, form wyth-in thys castle a schoole specific tae teaching magical ways tae ye bairns.
            Upon building of ye castle we shall also be impervious tae anie onslaught from ye Inquisitors whiche  hae became more bolder in Europe.  All manner of spells shall be placed upon ye castle tae repell Inquisitors and non-magicals, that we mae live in harmonie in ye newelye founded colonie and be homagers tae nane.
——Gillecrist Waggrall ——


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